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Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Best Times To Post On To Social Media

And because we all need somebody to tell us what to do, I made a chart! 

I know, I know. This is a grave departure from my traditional publishing articles, but a lot happened recently, tThings like, barbecues, and a family death. So I didn't have time to create something from scratch. I'd actually been working on this a while ago. Yeah, I know. 

Now this chart I made a few months ago,  with the intention of posting it to accompany social-media adjacent articles, but, what the heck! I'll hoist it up today.

Heck, why even bother with social media? 
I'll actually write that article another day, but right now, it's all about the WHEN rather than the WHY. 

Now why would you ever need to know when to post things to social media at all?

Because my darlings, there are people who religiously check their Tumblr. and Reddit accounts admittedly while at work. When they get home, they relax and watch television instead of looking at yet another computer screen. I mean, people squeeze mindless internet habits during office hours, and while at their cubicles during various days of the business week. And not every single day, but also at specific times of said day. 
Yes, it's very strange. 
Yes, it's a waste of corporate America's valuable billable hours. 
But it happens anyway. 
Don't believe me? Look it up.

So you are selling a product (a book) and want many eyeballs on it...
Put it in front of their eyeballs when their web browsing activity is at it's highest. 

Now here's some information for you N00bs (that means 'newbies' for you older folks)...

Things to keep in mind when posting your latest book announcements to social media sites:

  • The sooner you get started on building your social media sites, the better. They all take a few weeks to cultivate to a point where you have enough followers. I still haven't uploaded my books to the marketplace, and many other writers have already clicked Follow on my Twitter profile
  • Don't mistake a Facebook audience with a Tumblr. audience, and other social media sites with each other. They are ALL different! They all have different purposes!
  • Example: Each social media site has a very tailored, specific audience. Tumblr. is an ecosystem full of 20 somethings, consisting of mostly females, and a whole slew of artists and creative types. Facebook has older crowds of people in professional careers, eversince it converted from a generic social profile site to an advertising platform, thereby turning off teenagers making them flee in droves to other social media sites more hip to their needs, like Snapchat
  • You do not need to open a social media account everywhere, it's not necessary. Facebook and Twitter will suffice for now
  • If you wish to open all accounts to park your brand's name, then do it all together at once.
    If you don't take that specific name when you are not well known, somebody else such as a devout fan, might hijack that name after the popularity of your book soars and then it will be too late. That's bad if your audience mistakes you for running that account, when it's really the handiwork of the overzealous fan
  • Use the name you are planning to write under professionally, for all social media accounts. If you write under a pseudonym, it must be under that name
  • Make sure you open social media accounts while you are not famous. Some authors have them set up by larger publishing houses after signing on with them, but then they get to control them on behalf of their authors, missing the point of the interpersonal relationship an author can have with their fans/audience. Depending on the author, that can be a good thing or a missed opportunity
  • As an author, having a Twitter account is everything. That is where all authors live and thrive.
  • Facebook is good for only two things: 1) Announcing book launches with accompanying video - book cover reveals - 1st chapter screening - ARC giveaways, and 2) Joining Facebook Groups, like the kind that let you promote your latest book, or groups that let you offer up your ARC to beta readers, or groups that  give you constructive criticism on your writing or book covers, or groups that tell you where to find or evaluate book publishing services
  • Facebook does allow you to open an account specifically for book launches! You don't have to use your personal private account that has all your family and friend's baby pictures on it. In fact, DON'T. It's unprofessional. 
Go to, and where the giant green button is, the one that says "Create Account", well don't click that, but right below it where it says "Create a Page" in blue letters, click that, then click Entertainment, then click from that drop-down menu, the 'Book' option. And that's pretty much it.

 Which social media site do I use to promote my book?

Assume the kind of genre your book subject matter caters to, then see if it aligns with these demographics:

  • Tumblr. - See above.
  • Facebook -  Business professionals and those generally above the age of 25ish
  • Twitter - Same as Facebook, more minimalist. Typically used in conjuction to Facebook. Used for announcements or collaborations with similar professionals
  • Pinterest - Used in the same way as Twitter, except instead of posting a strip of 2 sentences, people post images of their products that link out to their brand's websites, or to special offers. I have found many new books, and authors, and tips and tricks I'd never heard of solely through Pinterest, including FREE ebooks
  • Google + - Same as Facebook, with two glaring differences: 1) Not as popular with audiences because they got into the social profile game a little late, and 2) Much better for visibility. Why? It's a Google product, which is tied to all Google ads by algorithms. Better visibility through the Google ecosystem and leading to the Google search engine
  • Instagram - It's useful for posting pretty imagery of your daily comings and goings, giving readers a brief look into your private life. Example: Where you get that caramel coffee your readers see you carrying all the time, what you are reading lately, is that really the new book cover to the 8th book in your series?, where your booth is in that famous book fair overseas, what your booth number is so I can find you and you can sign my copy of your book?, and did you really build that popsicle stick bird house?
  • Linked In - It's basically where you post your resume, any work related experience, your website, college education, member of affiliations or guilds. BTW this is amazing for freelance writers; Linked In is EXCELLENT for finding jobs! Their career postings are far more selective, so less competition with underqualified losers. I believe they have an in-house online messaging chat feature for recruiters to find you? Also good for finding people to outsource quick jobs on the fly, like editors and personal assistants
  • Periscope - For doing live broadcasts for a limited time period, to connect with your readers and their questions. I believe they don't get archived, so no worries there
  • Meerkat - Same as Periscope, except I believe it's owned by Twitter?
  • Snapchat - Automatically self-deletes whatever pictures you take. It's good for when you are on the run to and from book fairs, book conventions, etc.
  • YouTube - It's not really considered 'social media' but, it helps to make brief introductory videos of upcoming books. Useful for posting book trailers
  • Imgur - My personal favorite. It's audience is so human, they go out of their way to be helpful. Much wider age-range. (some admittedly in their 50s and retirement age; some still in highschool) 
  • Reddit - another author-friendly platform. Imgur is it's image-posting accompanying service, I believe?

If I've left any out, shame on me. I'll go back and update them over time, of course.

Anyhoo, about my chart...
I've left many of the social profiles off for this one, only to include the more popular ones. I've based the times on an overall estimate summed up by many digital marketers and aggregators.

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