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About Me

Greetings and salutations!



Onyx Towers at work

My life story? Not much to know.

I was dumped into an orphanage at birth with absolutely no name on the certificate. So I started life as a 'blank'; an unrefined product. Pretty poetic, huh? Anyhoo, 6 months later, a nice couple adopt me and we live life simply, on an island in the sunny Carribean. 6 years later, we move to New York, where I have spent the majority of my life. 

Got my bachelor's diploma in industrial design there. My obnoxious friend used to call this 'baby architecture', haha.

Endured a variety of life humbling, ego destroying, and wallet crippling events occur over the years. 

Held a variety of jobs out of need and not want, such as:

  • poetry translator

  • design assistant

  • maid

  • portrait photographer

  • demolition & maintenance

  • shipping manager

  • customer service

  • movie extra

  • production assistance

  • special effects makeup artist

  • book keeper

  • office admin

  • store clerk

  • wood shop tech

  • human resources (brief stint)

  •  hair stylist 

 And those are just the ones off the top of my head. 

Some of these gigs had the potential to excel at, but my heart just wasn't into it. I do remember daydreaming at every job I had, and kept thinking how the stories I weaved in my head would make great movies. This, while I was helping to lay down gaffing tape on the set of an independed film. I've always gotten yelled at for this drifting off into space, and realized that there is no job I can hold where I cannot shut off the daydreaming, be it for practical or professional reasons. It occured to me that many years ago, a teacher in middle school once told my parents that this daydreaming that I do would follow me into every corner of my life. 

How right she was!

So I decided to make it into reality. Enough is enough! It's easier now more than ever to make books from the juices of the creative leaky spigot in my head, and I am taking full advantage.

That's where self-publishing comes in...

At current count (and since the inception of this site) I now have 27 books on the back burner, some of which are series. I use this blog as a means to document my trials and tribulations into the foray of the competitive publishing world. 

I will try services and software, and write about it. 

I will find the most useful info and write about it. No need to scour the whole internet if I can bring you the best resources right here in my blog.

And if you're reading this, you're clearly my competition. To which I say, game on suckas! I look forward to reading your material as well!

Get your name on my mailing list so you can stay on top of new developments and my latest harrowing publishing adventures as a novice writer. 

Thanks for listening! 

Behold! A graceful picture of my dog wearing a necktie:



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