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Monday, December 7, 2015

What Happens When You Win NanoWriMo

I won NanoWriMo!

Onyx Towers 2015 NanoWriMo Winner


 Not bad for a newbie, eh? 
I won NanoWrimo 2015! We did it guys!

So! A couple of things...

When I entered Nano, it was mid-month for me due to my dog being extremely sick the first two weeks of November, even though I was ready to go Nov.1. (he's better now, thank goodness) Late September, I had already opened an account on their site, did not finish filling it out until mid month when I had my word upload ready to go.

Now when I did finally begin my upload, I found many interesting things:

  • It was quite a joyous experience, like you can feel the support energy coming off this website like heat on a hot car engine (whatta rush!)
  • Site navigation was much easier than I thought. Filling it out was smooth like buttah!
  • My dashboard shows when I uploaded, my progress throughout, how many words I actually uploaded, and my winning trophy badge; LIKE A BOSS! Yes, I did give it a silly title because I wasn't comfortable putting in the real one.
  •  As you can see, my stats for my word count, how many days I kept adding words (none, cuz I uploaded the whole thing in one go) and stuff
  • What the NanoWriMo fill out form looks like? (click to enlarge) 

    Also, it is inside the Word Count box that you insert your novel, not in those Microsoft Word-looking writing spaces below (yes, I know it's confusing)


    • If you win NanoWriMo you get the following:


      •  Side Note: Those 'goodies' they speak of, include things like FREE and/or ridiculously discounted publishing materials and services, such as editing. My broke ass is definitely taking advantage of that.

        So please excuse me, while I run around and do my victory lap. See you @ the next NanoWriMo!



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