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Sunday, October 29, 2017

Boy am I busy! I entered the Lulu Halloween fiction contest last Sunday, a week ago. Now I'm preparing for NanoWriMo. I have a book I already began so I'm hoping this will help get it done.  And why not? I've already won it before.

I've also been pimping myself as an author to my webcast audience so I'm counting on their support when I do upload my finished book. Book marketing, peoples! Aiming for a target date of this coming December, if all goes as planned. Fingers crossed!

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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Very informative video of the snafu's you run into while self publishing. 
Read More to see video below.

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Wednesday, October 11, 2017
 Since we just got back from the hospital (I'll do a writeup on that later) I thought
I'd give you greedy little chuckleheads what you want, which is more information! 
You're welcome.

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