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Monday, May 28, 2018

My Author Journey So Far - May 28, 2018

© Lisa Fotios.

Proof that I am indeed writing my book, lies ahead! And I have screenshots! Evidence! 
And major problems with Instagram! Let's go!

It is almost 3:30am. This is the only time I can write without being hassled by my family. Man, are they good at that!

So yeah, been working on my book, and book cover. The book cover I have is created by somebody who went to my college, also an alumnus.

The book itself, sprung from an idea I had from pitching my entry to the 2017 Lulu Halloween Writing Contest. (I didn't win) It was for a story less than 5,000 words long. I wrote it in such a hurry that I made obvious editing errors. *cringe

But I decided that I loved my story so much, why not put it together with others and make an anthology?

Brilliant, right?

And so, it will be a collection of spooky stories, about 10 chapters each. I already edited that contest entry story, as it currently serves as my first chapter. I'm thinking once I am done, I'll post that chapter up for free somewhere, maybe my Wattpad account?

Here is what the book and book cover look like so far:

That there, is a pre-made ebook template. It's FREE. Go get you one @

One chapter down, nine more to go!

In other news...

How To Remove Facebook From Your Instagram On Your Mobile Device

This is very important. Do this if the "Unlink" option doesn't work.

This, was the horrible nightmare I had to deal with for almost 2 months. 
Instagram never sends support tickets, so all your inquiries go directly into a black hole from within the world wide web ecosphere. You will NEVER get a response! Good luck.

Please note: 
It's important to know Facebook purchased Instagram for a couple million dollars. So they're in bed with one another, so to speak. Instagram Ads links up with Facebook Ads, which is FB's bread and butter. That's really how they make the bulk of their fortune. They are both connected to one another.

Now then.

What happens is that I have Instagram for my Android device.
In that Instagram, I began two accounts. 
One is for my Facebook Page for gaming, something I do other than writing. 
One is for my author Facebook profile.

Please note:
Facebook Page and Facebook Profiles are two vastly different things. 
Profiles are personal. 
Pages are professional.


I was logging in and out of both my Instagram profiles. Why? Mostly my Instagram was to pimp my Page stuff which has to do with gaming. HOWEVER, now I've decided to pimp my writing stuff instead.

 Please note: This is how you find Instagram inside Facebook on your computer. Doesn't matter if it's a FB Profile or FB Page.

Please note: Instagram isn't listed in the list of apps. It's integrated into Facebook now as a feature.

how you fix Instagram inside Facebook
  1. Click on your own profile
  2. Click on the More tab
  3. Click on Instagram. Done.

Hang on. Here comes the hiccup.

When I logged in as my author name in Instagram, I made a post that I chose to send to my author Facebook. 
But it sent to my gaming Facebook instead.
I only found out because one of my real life friends liked that Facebook post. I didn't want him to know of my secretive author life. And now he probably knows. That is, if he bothered to look at the little strip of info that states the post was sent from Instagram. I doubt it though, he's such a stoner, lol!
Yes, I deleted the post IMMEDIATELY. 
Yes, I am mortified.
I think another buddy saw it, and he's the kind of big mouth asshole you don't want to know about your secretive anythings going on. Man, am I livid!

But what did I end up doing?
I panicked so much, I unlinked from Facebook while logged into my Instagram. Then I went into both Facebook accounts on my computer and deactivated Instagram from it.

Did that fix the problem?
Nah, bitch! It most certainly did not!

Try logging in WITH your author Facebook ID into Instagram.
I did, and it just keeps reading my gaming Facebook login, instead of my author Facebook login. 

Try Googling the following: "instagram to facebook link"
No stupid, I want to "Facebook to Instagram unlink". UN-link!
Also, no similar articles covered my unique problem at all.
Also, say no to Google, and yes to DuckDuckGo. They don't track your internet browsing. They respect your privacy. 

How is this even possible?! 

Try reporting the problem to Instagram.
I did, twice already! It's been over a month! No response! Pretty sure I covered this earlier!

Try looking through the Instagram forums for a solution.

Try curling into a ball and muffling the cries of despair.
I did that already! Damn, you just don't listen, do you alter ego? Also, leg cramp! *owie Also, dust bunnies! *achoo!

Then how the hell did you fix your convoluted problem?
Glad you asked! Also, stow the attitude missy!
Not even Instagram knows this, so pay attention...
I have Instagram on my Android, but I also have Facebook on my Android.

Understand that they were both cross-linked. Together. Both of these apps were linked up to each other somehow, a fact that neither ever mentions anywhere.
That, is not covered anywhere in Instagram's forums, nor Facebooks.

Here comes the A-Ha! moment
I was logged into the Facebook app under my gaming username. 
So despite that I was logged into the Instagram app under my author username, it was connecting directly into my gaming Facebook app.

And this is how you fix it
  1. While logged into all your Facebook profiles on your computer, disconnect your Instagrams, then log out.
  2. Get on your mobile device now.
  3. Log out of your Facebook app.
  4. Log in to your Instagram app. Then you can see there is no Facebook connected to it at all. 
  5. Then log into your Facebook app. Instagram will automatically detect it, no matter what username you use on Instagram. Automatically linked!
  6. You can now go on the computer and reconnect any of your active Instagrams from inside your Facebook. Because what happens in Facebook, stays in the Facebook ecosystem, and Instagram don't care.

Please note:
Instagram on the computer doesn't give you all the custom controls and interface you get from guiding it inside your mobile device. Facebook on the computer cannot control Instagram, only it's privacy and notification options. You want to do some serious customization, you need to log into the Instagram app itself.

AAAand, that is it! Thanks for playing!
Any other questions you have, just DM me on Twitter:

Yes, I will post part 3 of my book cover articles this week. Pinky swear.

#unlinkfacebook #unlinkinstagram #removefacebookfrominstagram


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