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Wednesday, December 2, 2015

November Distractions (2015)

 Cannot take a selfie worth a damn.
BLAH, BLAH BLAH, blah blah blah, blah blah.
I am late to post!
Busy. Muy busy.

Shortly after I posted on Wattpad that I was gonna post 2 chapters a week until the story was done, a buncha stuffs happened:

My dog became deathly ill. I was on doggie nightwatch/daywatch for 4 straight days until we were able to take him to the vet in an emergency visit. Seriously thought he wasn't gonna make it, since he is 12yo. now. He became well again mysteriously after a full week and half later. Never did see so much dog diarrhea and vomit in my life. Did not sleep well for those 11 days.

NanoWriMo came along, and I was damn far behind! I did finish filling in my profile mid month, scrambling my novel type, then uploading it. One week later, I WON BITCHES! WOOoOOo! (so much for being humble) And when I catch up to all my responsibilities, I shall write a blog post about it

My mother gets confused, (Alzheimer's) and I wake up some days hearing her scream at high volume about how I should stop stealing things from her; that I am an ungrateful child, etc. *sigh* She did the same with my cousin when she lived with her for a few months a while back. At any time of the day, I can hear the loud chorus of drawer slamming and door shutting, making the wall between our rooms rattle. Stink-eye galore. Good grief! Quite distracting and demoralizing. Must...keep...typing

A friend of the family couldn't attend so we swapped with another friend who couldn't go to visit his family. It was all very last minute, rushed, and he missed the first train. But he finally made it over, with cheesecake to spare. Thanksgiving 2015 was saved!

More nonsense...
Now this medical shit is something I do for my old folks at a rate of about once a month...I had to drop everything and find my father an affordable dentist, one that would take his health insurance. We are in the United States, FYI. His front tooth chipped so it was missing a whole corner. This sort of thing happens frequently with old people, they just don't realize they've bruised themselves or sprained something, etc. and he was no exception. Every time we deal with health insurance, it is a massive clusterfuck. (āļ‡︡'-'︠)āļ‡ Now I had to find one that
A) accepted his insurance carrier,
B) If it did, that it covered services that weren't basic,
C) That the dentist has a decent grade & reputation on and, and
D) Cross-reference that with locations near our house. (One cannot travel far with any old people, that is pure fact) Sounds simple, rite? WRONG. His health carrier gave him a booklet on which doctors/dentists are listed that accept their insurance. I called one who informed me they never accepted that insurance. (but,'s listed right here! In this booklet!) Evidently, printed words doesn't mean shit anymore. This whole process beginning to end took me, hmm, 4.5 hours of my precious time. We did settle on one 5min. down the road, who had a great reputation, no open malpractice suits, no shady billing practices, and offered a 10% discount for senior citizens their 1st yr. and 25% discount the second. Research pays off kids!

And now Pitmad is on Dec. 4, (this Friday) so I'm hurrying like a mofo to finish my story by then! Good thing I am at the end of my novel anyways! (same one I submitted to #NanoWriMo)

And that brings me to right now.

I already worked out the story in my head, before I can get it down in type. I must also update my story plot chart to reflect these additions/changes. I'll make a blog post about plot plotting later as well.

In the meantime, to keep my writing fervor going, I've been listening to author's #WhereIWrite videos up on YouTube. I'm not gonna make a 5min. video on that, since our house in in dire need of a remodel and looks like a corner store crap-sandwich.

Instead, here's a pic of my writing station:


Look at all that glorious technology kids!
Keep on writing kids! Never give up; never go pantless! (except on Thursdays)


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