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Sunday, February 12, 2017

Changes To My Blog - 1

I am dead serious about monetization. So I realized there's many things I need to do to bring this site up to snuff.

Things I Added To My Site

  1. Twitter feed widget (at bottom)

    twitter real time feed website widget
  2. RSS feed icon - clickable at top. For all those of you who subscribe this way
    hand-drawn RSS feed button
  3. Redid some of my Tags - In a rush one time, I forgot to put commas in between, so Blogger interpreted this as one big-ass tag, instead of separate ones
  4. About Me section - I am redoing it to look more professional
  5. Added PrintFriendly icon to the bottom of my posts - This is so you can easily print or PDF any of the helpful blog posts I write.  A good one to PDF would be the post I wrote about Copyright
    PrintFriendly blog post button
  6. Swapped out all the funny GIFs for my own hand-drawn images - evidently, Google does not like this as it seems to count as 'hotlinking' to other people's copyrighted work. It's also bad manners to hotlink, because somebody else is paying good money to store their images on a server somewhere, and you're brazenly sucking their bandwith juice. Like stealing WiFi; somebody else is paying for the service and you're ripping it off. Doesn't matter if the images are up on a social sharing website. It's really a question of who owns the images so search engines can penalize you for copyright infringement. You can get rejected by ad networks for this.
    Original illustration by Onyx Towers; © Onyx Towers; 2017.

Things I am including

  1.  More space on blog for future ads 
  2. Signing up for affiliate networks including Amazon's own
  3. Blank book templates, maybe 
  4. A future FREE ebook on how to self publish, though atm it feels like light year's away

Stay tuned for more updates!


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