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Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Where To Get Royalty Free Pics Stock Photos

where to get free pics
This here image is free to use, and links out to the source.

Merry Crimbus!
Many of you are weak of wallet these days, even more so after the holidays, (I am the reigning royal in the ghetto dept. so I know what I speak of) so I come bearing gifts!
Gifts of FREE RESOURCES. You're welcome.

If you need photos for the following:
  •  press releases
  • book covers
  • posters
  • business cards
 Have I got a list of free to use images!
Read on!


But I don't have any money.  I can't hire a photographer.

Photo by NeONBRAND

As the supreme leader of the league of the broke-ass gentlemen, I can sympathize. But you must be wary, because there are limitations to what you can do. More on that coming up.

If you are seriously in financial distre$$, but you need those services to help promote your book, then use my list below to cover your needs.

Now this, being a blog about writing, means that I'm not gonna cover all the nuances of graphic design, only where to get quickie photos for the aforementioned, without the hassle of locating professional photographers or whatever. 

I'm not gonna go into a whole dissertation over book covers here, (writing a post on that later) but please learn the following brief compilation of the rules on using borrowed "Free" images.

The photo above is a "Free" download. It stated that creditation isn't necessary, but I did it nonetheless. I linked that image back to the source, and captioned it with the photographer's handle.


Things You Should Know About Using Photos From The Internet

  • Images everywhere on the internet are all copyrighted
  • Some of these images have been bought & paid for by clients from photographers
  • You can get sued for using them without permission no matter what age you are
  • You can do reverse image searches to find where people have swiped and uploaded your images on the internet
  • There is software that runs 24/7 just searching for these images, tracing back to copyright violators
  • Assume all images are copyrighted because the copyright office says they are upon creation
  • Some websites allow for sharing, but with specific conditions
  • Learn the difference between free and royalty-free
  • Read permissions on each website about how you can use their images, if they state them
  • Some photos you can use free, but you must give credit to the artist
  • Some photos you can use free, but you cannot alter or take credit for that work
  • Some photos you can use free for personal use
  • Websites always have legal disclaimers about how you can use their content, or not

In short, just read the fucking licensing terms! They're usually posted right next to each photo! (or clip art, or vector art)

My List Of Free Photo Websites

I use the term "Free" loosely. Each website has different licensing terms, so it's up to you to read before you use.

Behold! My compilation of photo sites! Use responsibly.

  2.   All theFreeStock
  3.   Flickr Commons
  4.   Gratisography: Free high-resolution photos
  5.   Unsplash | High-Resolution Photos
  6.   Little Visuals - (Sign up to get 7 hi-res images zipped up in your inbox every 7 days. Use them anyway you want)
  7.   New Old Stock
  8.   Death to the Stock Photo (Free photos for creative use)
  9.   Pixabay - Free Images
  10.   Life Of Pix - Free Stock Photos & Images
  11.   Good Free Photos - Free Public Domain Stock
  12.   IM Free - Free Website Templates, Free Images & More
  13. free stock photos
  14.   Kaboompics - Free High Quality Photos
  15.   LibreShot : The best of public domain free stock photos
  16.   Picography - Use however you like
  17.   FoodiesFeed - Free Food Pictures
  18.   Lock and Stock Photos - Free Stock Photos. Use in Any Way, Anywhere, Anytime.
  20.   Refe - Natural Looking Photos
  21.   Where to find free stock photos for your blog & social media
  22.   Google Images When the images are displayed, click on “Search tools” and then “usage rights”.
  23.   Flicker there are tens of millions of images which have been given the Attribution License. This means you may “copy, distribute and display” any images you find, as long as you give the image creator credit. And a non-commercial License means you can copy, distribute and display those images, but for non-commercial purposes only. (This means you could use those types of images in an informational blog post where you are not selling anything.)
  24.  FreePhotosBank
  25.   Public Domain Pictures
  26.   StockVault
  27.  Textures
 ***If you have any good free photo website suggestions, please DM me to my Twitter:


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