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Saturday, April 7, 2018

My Author Journey So Far - April 6, 2018

It's early Spring, and I am sprung.
Time for some Spring cleaning. You too, you obstinate troglodytes!

Writing isn't the only thing I do...
I also broadcast online, make videos, and podcast, although that last one I've been neglecting for weeks now. This takes a great 1/3 of my time.

I'm just playing a large game of catch-up since 2018 began.

Sadly, my poor mother's health has been greatly declining, and it's difficult to watch her crumble in pain. Of course, human suffering is immensely distracting. Add to that the helplessness of not being able to do a damn thing because I'm no doctor, and I ain't got a cure. Trying times. *sigh

Slowly but surely I am working things through, albeit at a snail's pace.
Somethings by some small miracle I've gotten accomplished:

  • My epic Book Launch flowchart is gigantic now. Still not done adding to it. Check it out!
  • Moved more heavy furniture, in order to clear out a bedroom
  • Cleared out a bedroom. 4 bags of trash summarized my exhaustive efforts. (you can actually walk in there now!)
  • Assembled new furniture
  • Re-seeded the entire lawn, front and back
  • Removed giant broken branches that came down during the various snow storms (these things are big enough, you need a chainsaw to break them down)
  • Planted down every flower seed packet I had sitting around
  • Ordered much needed equipment
  • Organized all of 2017's bills into newly emptied room
  • Downloaded a bazillion free ebooks of different genres. Very important. I need to know as a writer, the different styles/voices/ideas of writing about different themes
  • Downloaded epub reading app, but not before perusing the Google Play store for hours, reading many reviews on the faulty 3-star apps
  • Figuring out my Mailchimp sign-up form. On account of them changing their entire structure

I hadn't logged into Mailchimp for some time, and now everything looks drastically different. So to the point, that I'll have to watch a 2018 Youtube tutorial on how to do this. Awesome time waster, yay!

It's important to get that email list going, as I am making a free ebook myself. It will be on the painstaking process of self-publishing, but I'll make it as much dumbed-down as possible, for all the novice writers and those who are curious but know nothing about launching books. I'll get started on that next week.

Yes, still working on my 3 part blogposts on book covers. Stay tuned.


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