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Tuesday, May 1, 2018

My Author Journey So Far - May 01, 2018

No explanation needed; see pic above.

I've been a no-show for all other daily activities in my life. Everything picks up super fast as soon as the first flowers shoot outta the ground; with fury and fire and spiteful will. WILL.

I believe I do have Seasonal Affective Disorder, because I overreact to even minor weather changes. Whenever Spring rolls around, it's almost like an alarm goes off LOUDLY in my body's rhythm, and suddenly, I want to make beautiful love, run a mile, and hang up some sheetrock. Shit is bananas, lemme tell ya!

Things I've been up to:

  • Been driving myself crazy with my indecisiveness, not picking a book to finish. Some days I think, Mebbe that book, or that other one because the time of year is right. I can't choose, so I can't finish. I have no idea which one to finish and launch. I'm stuck in indecisive hell. Such is the ADHD mind. *sigh

  • And I went crazy planting seeds into pots, 'cuz April is the time of year to do that. With gardening, temperature and timing is everything. Last years' stuff came in quite nicely this year:

  • And in the middle of this mad race to plant, plant, plant, I began working on a Free eBook so I can do a giveaway for people who sign up for my email list.
        So far, it kinda looks like this:
       Once I finish, I'll upload it and broadcast it to social media. I have a feeling this book's          gonna be a tad long, but only necessarily so.

  • Since last blog post, my poor mother suffered two maladies, sending me into a panic mode, running towards homeopathic relief methods. I tell ya, when you're desperate, you look for any solutions. I finally found some miracle oil online, started incorporating it into her food and voila! No more fighting with us, or painful headaches, or other such nonsense. And she's more calm than before. Thank god for the internets, right? At least it brings me some peace of mind, and more for her.
  • AAaand my poor father suffered a painful stretch of the sciatica nerve, bad enough to keep him homebound for over a week. This guy never gets sick or injured, so it's become a huge problem. I YouTubed some videos on stretching the piriformis, helping him a little. They're both so old, they don't understand the internet, or how to 'swipe' up to accept a What's App phone call. It's cute to others, to me it's a tedious pain in the rump, repeating over & over...the hits, they keep on coming!

Well, that's all i hafta report for now. Stay tuned as always. I'll make a better effort at uploading more stories to Wattpad this summer. Ciao.


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