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Wednesday, December 22, 2021

My Author Journey - Dec 22, 2021

 Ho, ho, ho, merry fuckmas! Or whatever you celebrate this time of year. Or none at all.


img by Kaboompics.

Been so wiped out, I haven't had any energy to put up Xmas decorations this year, truly a first.

Greetings and salutations! I don't have much time lately, so here's a list of things I accomplished since I first broke my tooth in late August of this year:

  • Registered my domain names I ordered for Black Friday sales; notice is now just
  • Bought SSL certificates and applied them, albeit incorrectly, don't have time right now to correct it
  • Incorporated and registered my book publishing label with the state of New York (pricey!)
  • Bought Publisher Rocker AND KDSPY on sale for Black Friday
  • Got Wave accounting software for small business - it's FREE
  • Made several tweaks to my publisher site
  • Updated all my Facebooks (for different disciplines) 
  • Updated my Linktrees (something with Facebook and had a complicated time acquiring a password as I didn't need one when the account was created)
  • Got 2 root canals, 2 crowns, 7 fillings done ; broken hopeless molar is now functioning at 90%
  • Got 2 MRI brain scans, 2 EKG's, 3 bloodwork tests, sonogram
  • Brain is showing up as okay on scans, but ridiculously forgetful and keep getting dizzy spells, made appt. with neurologist at doctor's behest
  • Tired of running to doctors
  • Waiting on answer on Reddit question I posed about DBA's
  • Still need to file DBA, EIN, S-Corp form
  • Still need to pick a virtual office (don't want freaks looking up my home address on Google Maps)
  • Far, Far behind on my book, which I planned to release for Thanksgiving weekend, now it seems I'll be launching for El Dia de los Reyes Magos
  • Been looking up websites to do some side hustles, as this startup is draining my money fast
  • Got a Paypal for doing said hustles (my other Paypals are 'locked' until I show my EIN since they are for business)


Luckily, half of these things are one-time costs, and all are tax reimbursements, praise jeebus! Our family accountant told me he no longer does taxes for businesses, just my luck. I will need to hire a CPA though, and I hear they're not cheap. I ain't doing that shit myself, as me and numbers have never been great friends. 

As someone with ADHD, I can tell you that getting organized and doing all this  corporation paperwork shit has been agonizing! Especially with my worrisome forgetfulness. I haven't been eating more than a meal and a half, and have trouble sleeping since all this began. 

Kinda knew this was coming though. The forgetting part, that's what fucks me the most. I lose momentum when I am pulled away from these tasks to cater to whatever emergency, then I have to return to a state of a completely blank slate, because I don't remember where I left off. I don't remember a lot of things lately! I end up look like a crazy person, walking then stopping abruptly, taking a moment to look dazed and confused, then doing an about face to walk back my steps just so I can remember again why I was walking that way? 

Note: Will need to discuss that with my shrink. 

But that fucking problem is the sticking point with me now. I've fallen far, far away from my goals and it's hard not to kick myself when I am down. But instead of self condemnation, I furiously get back on track and hit the warp drive on whatever it is I am doing at the time. I can't do anything about the forgetfulness, because I ain't a neurologist, so maybe, stop freaking out? - I tell myself several times a week. Do I believe it? I don't know,  and I don't pay attention because I'm too busy trying to finish things up here.

I feel I'll get most of this business shit out of the way before year's end, and i already got the medical shit taken care of, except the booster shot which is on the last day of 2021. The moment I finish up all my paperwork, I will write about it. I also plan on writing about the side hustle gigs i'm about to take on this coming year. And catch up on my book, which I keep delaying, goddamit.

Also, Happy Holidays everybody! Eat lots of food and drink, and get cozy by the space heater. See you all next year! 

© brett sayles. 


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