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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

My Author Journey So Far; Winter Solstice 2016

I got some stuffs done! Woo!

Things that I've gotten done so far: 

  1. Added a numbered script to my posts column, but came out wonky (bookmarked the site I got it from and can't remember the name now, typical)
  2.  Changed the social buttons on my site
  3. Added AdSense, but for some reason it's not showing up on my blog template (typical nonsense)
  4. Found AdSense alternatives in case it doesn't pan out; will try InfoLinks next year 
  5. Redid my Feedburner, because my template was unwittingly pointing subscribers of my RSS feed to the website of the maker of this template. Blog faux pas; lord knows how long this was happening! *headslap
  6.  I checked the end results of  having entered the #Pitmad. Specifically who replied (it was perfectly plain)
  7. Edited the HTML on my blog template to change margin widths, font colors and header
  8. Discovered Merchant Words (will write a post later on this)
  9. Discovered The Book Blogger List (will write a post later on this)
  10. Discovered Booklinker and it's alternative, Geniuslink (will write a post later on this)
  11. Discovered Market Samurai  (will write a post later on this)
  12. I also took a quick break from writing to make a video for my design store (completely different thing I do apart from this site) since it's December and much shopping takes place
  13. Discovered New York Book Editors (will write a post later on this)
  14. Discovered Kindle Scout (will write a post later on this)
  15. Been neglecting my Wattpad account, sorry! Will return mid-January 2016 

Holiday madness 

I'm still completely spent from doing Thanksgiving back-to-back with NanoWriMo and Pitmad. Now Christmas is this Friday, and instead of taking it easy, I'm overdosing on cup after cup of coffee. Pretty sure you can wring me out and get a watered cup of coffee from my left arm at this point. I have much to discuss on previous said topics, which will be in 2016. 

I have been working on new stories...

So far, I have, 
  • 1 fantasy story (a series) and,
  • 3 adult fiction one-off stories in the works 
  • A one-off story that will be kid-friendly, unlike my typical fare, so that will present a huge challenge

Not using adult language is out of the norm for me. It will be interesting for me to see how I'm gonna cobble that masterpiece together. Who said I like things easy? Not me! Probably 'cuz, I'm either an idiot, or bookish & brave. 
Time will tell. Meanwhile, gonna go brew my 6th cup today.

I just finished this post at 11:11pm. Watta sign!


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