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Monday, April 10, 2017

Fresh off the heels of entering my first writing contest, I discovered yet another.
And this one is being hosted by Amazon UK!
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Thursday, April 6, 2017

I Entered A Writing Contest

I entered a writing contest

I had some time to squeeze in to do this, between the cascade of people coming to visit us recently. We had two get-togethers in one week! We are not people who entertain. We are not accustomed to playing the host.
Nobody ever visits us, so it's weird.
Spring is weird.

I only found out about the contest because I was compiling a list of literary awards. I wanted to know which were awarded in particular categories, especially in competitions. Lo and behold, I found one through a website that is a writer's guild as well. And wouldn't you know it? They hold contests.

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