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Sunday, November 26, 2017

My Author Journey So Far - November 26, 2017

On this episode of Why I May Not Complete NanoWriMo: Anxiety.

Not enough fidget spinners in the world to relax me.
So many things have been happening this Moovember. Some good, some bad. And they all get in the way of my participation in NanoWriMo.

I may have gotten a side gig

A friend asked me to help him set up a website and shit. Paying gig. Hell yeah, I seriously need the ca$h! But he's been so busy and I'm so busy, that I'm not sure if this project is in stasis as soon as he proposed it, and I've been having a heck of a time getting a hold of him.
That took a lot of missed phonecalls, and back & forth texting. Now I'm not even sure where we at, since he did sign up for some accounts and I found out because I was trying to create them using his email.
He had no idea there were accounts like Instagram using his email.
Dang it.

Health insurance changes and crap

Then there's been all the Medicare hub-bub and paperwork, new insurance cards and booklets coming in the mail, hospital statements and blah-blah crap. It's my job to read through all that, then translate into Spanish for my elderly father, like with all the other mail. Only, worse.

Doctor's office screwups

I had to contact the anaesthesiologist's office a 2nd time, because they fucked up that many. We got billed twice, yes twice, because they treat updating their records like some silly suggestion. This was the second time in the same month.
This bullshit took 3 long-ass phonecalls to make:
1- To hospital billing,
2- To Insurance billing, and
3- To their office. 
Grand total time squandered: 2hr 56min. 
I wish I was joking.

I thought I was being a slick 'n shit, using Get Human to cut down on the automated telephone wild goosechase, but it didn't work with the insurance co.
"Oh, hi, is this the offices of medical assholes? May I please speak to stupid asshole about some fucking bullshit you mailed us?
Really, fuckstick? How many times do I have to REPEAT that we no longer use that health insurance? You out of your damn mind if you think we're paying over A THOUSAND DOLLARS bill! Are you even taking this information down? Because you sure as shit did NOT write anything down last time we spoke!"

And once that shit is taken care of, then I have to do the translation thing all over again! Because nobody speaks Spanish in that fucking office! Fun times, amirite?!

And of course, NanoWriMo Check-Ins

I've decided to quit beating myself up about not achieving as much as I wanted. Shit happens so much around here, it's a miracle I even make it to 10,000 words.
I'll just celebrate the tiny achievements. And a simple fuck you if it doesn't appeal to your Instagramming sensibilities.

Before Check-In:
NanoWriMo wordcount: 7555 words
After Check-In:

NanoWriMo wordcount: 8538 words
Sigh. *deep breath* Sigh.


What else could possibly get in the way of NanoWriMo?

And there were other things that took up my time, such as, 
  • Hooking up a mirror to the back of the door - 2 man job, with my father, which takes 3 times as long with all the complaining and slowness
  • Moving furniture around downstairs 'cuz handyman was gonna paint that ceiling all weekend long
  • My mother losing things, screaming at both of us over stealing said things (she has no 'off' switch, it has me on edge)
  • And evidence that she's been cramming things down the drain that required unscrewing the drain mesh and snaking a giant clusterfuck of ungodliness. Her mind has degenerated to that of a toddler; we are very sad over it. She's @ Stage 6 Alzheimers, while Stage 7 is the final destination
  • Did not get Christmas decor up, as my dad's depression has coated everything in several month's worth of untossed junkmail. I threw out 1/3 yesterday, but a ways to go yet
  • Did a security upgrade on my computer, unwittingly agreed to have my free extras removed for a fee. THANKS FOR NOT NOTIFYING ME FIRST! Rolled dat shit back and found good free alternative to accompany the free version. (really hate software companies pulling this shit)
  • My RSS feed on my podcast is so screwed up, been looking for alternatives for over a month now, to no avail
  • And no joke, I really am worried about the FCC pulling that anti-net neutrality garbage on us citizens. Is America looking more & more like a dictatorship every year or what??  Will have to find alternate sources of book promotion, 'cuz I ain't paying for Twitter or Facebook- fuck that!

I'm so damn tired. It's actually showing up on my face.
Glad I have no liquor in the house. I may actually drink it all empty!

*deep breath*

Don't Quit Writing For NanoWriMo

Carry on, my Nightowl Wayward Writer

Gonna stay up tonight until sunrise just typing, see how far I get. Gotta keep marching on. Books gon't get written without massive suffering, I imagine. And if I ever get famous, use this blog as liner notes for the screenplay of my eventual biopic, and the role of moi will be played by, that plucky Deutsche penguin on Adventure Time.


And by the way....

On the music front, I discovered 'electro swing' music, and added it to my writing music repertoire.This will play in the background as I type tonight.
Below is an example.



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