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Thursday, November 9, 2017

Trouble With NanoWriMo

All is tricky in paradise, and my schedule and anxieties are steering me far off course from completing my #NanoWriMo course. Who else has this problem?

via Giphy



I didn't have this issue last time I won, because I already began my book from before. So I just uploaded what I had, which was, a lot. Enough to meet the 50k word quota.

Now, after a full week into it, I only uploaded this much:

Dayum, didn't even clear 10,000 yet.

The frustration of the idea of not completing my goal was bumming me out. I have enough problems, jeez. 
But wait...
Maybe it's still a reachable goal...?

I actually had to sit down, and calculate how many words, per pages, per days left on the calendar. 
So this, this is what I came up with, which is just an approximation. Now I don't feel so nervous about it. You can calm down now:

Now quit worrying! Drink your tea, and keep hammering away at that keyboard. 
Poor, poor keyboard. What did it ever do to you?!


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